Meet Our Recommended Supplier Adam Smith

Magician doing a magic trick with a card

Adam Smith is our recommend Magician for private events, weddings and corporate celebrations. Read more about Adam below.

Tell us about yourself?

I am a professional Magician from Tunbridge Wells, I am also a father to 2 children and 2 step-children and 1 crazy dog.

As well as performing magic at Weddings, Parties, Corporate events, etc, I do also teach magic from ages 10 upwards. The oldest person I have taught was in their early 90’s and I taught him on and off for about 3 years until his hands gave up.

I also do a lot for charity so every year myself and partner try to put on at least 2 charity events which we love doing and being able to raise money for local charities.

What was it that made you decide to become a magician?

It started of originally that I was working in London as a civil engineer and leaving at 5am every morning and not getting home till around 8pm, this meant I was missing out on seeing my children grow up and missing their milestone achievements. I saw a magician perform a trick on me and it got me hooked. From that moment I decided that I wanted to change career, so I found a top Sleight of hand Magician to train me over the next couple of years. I was still working full time then going for my lessons, it was exhausting but it worked out in the end and I now do the job I love, and I would not turn the clock back. I started learning magic at the ripe age of 31 and became a Professional full time Magician in 2006.

How many people can say that they are doing a job they love with the hours that work around family life? To me this is a magical career 😊

Magician doing a card trick

How long have you been doing magic in wedding industry?

I have been performing magic in the wedding industry for the last 16 years. It was tough at the beginning as I was working full time in London so I couldn’t accept all weddings I was asked to perform at, so after about 2.5 years I decided to take the plunge and leave my job and become a full time Magician, now I am able to do so much more and I am, on average, at one wedding a week, plus all the other events I perform at.

What separates your magic from other magic?

I personally specialise in sleight of hand card magic, I love the fact that I can perform magic with any deck of cards given to me.

People say that my presentation, humour and magical skills, give the full package to my clients at every event.

Top tip for future brides and grooms?

I have many tips for Brides and Grooms – Here are a few:

*Always get a Toastmaster, not Uncle Steve, this is due to the fact that I have seen and been to hundreds of weddings and the ones that have a Toastmaster always runs smoother and on time. This means that you won’t have the added stress, so you can enjoy your special day with your Family and Friends.

*With regards to booking a Magician or any entertainment, always go for recommended suppliers from venues, friends and family as they will have seen them personally. Always check out their website and testimonials and if you can, please meet them in person, as this person is going to be there on your special day and you want to feel comfortable with them around. I myself always offer to meet the Bride and Groom before the big day, not only for them to get to know me and see me perform, but also because they won’t get to see me much on the day as they will be very busy.

*Don’t always go for the cheapest option if you can, as like I have always said, you book the magician for them and not just the tricks. Find a magician that you feel comfortable with, who has humour and can bring crowds together on your special day.

*Most Magicians will offer to work at any time during your wedding but my personal opinion on best times are:

During your reception drinks whilst you are having your photos taken, as there is a bit of a lull time, so this would be where people are mixing and mingling, so a magician would then be able to pull people together and break the ice,

Or, at the beginning of your evening reception as you may have additional guests at this time to celebrate your big day.

These options are just a guide but from myself these can also be split so you can have me at both times and if you wanted different times during the day I would be happy to accommodate.

*My biggest tip of ALL, it to enjoy your magical day!

Magician holding cards next to the groom who is holding a glass of champagne and a bouquet

What wedding trends do you predict for 2019?

I think that more people will be choosing to get married on a week day now due to the venues being cheaper during the week.

Over the last few years I have been to many weddings on a week day, it is proving to be a popular choice.

So popular in fact that myself and Partner are getting married on a week day next year 😊

A man talking to another man with a shocked face next to whom is the bride who is smiling

If you want to add some magic to your event, you can read more on Adam Smiths’ website.