5 ways to beat the January Blues

5 people walking down a path in a park

Whilst a time for new beginnings, fresh starts and great hope, the start of the new year can often leave many people feeling down in the dumps.

Known as ‘January blues’, the so-called most depressing month of the year comes at a time when we realise that the magic of Christmas is over, we must wait longer for our pay cheque to come in, and there’s not a huge amount to look forward to.

This combined with cold weather, dark mornings, and impossible resolutions can make January feel harder than ever for many of us. But instead of giving in to the blues, why not learn how to beat them? Whilst they are totally normal and, in most cases, temporary, there are a few things you can do to give yourself the best start to 2023…


  1. Get Plenty of Sunlight

Lack of daylight is a very common reason for suffering from the January blues. Sun exposure has been linked to the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin which helps boost your mood and help you feel calm and focused.

Daylight also induces better quality sleep and lower blood pressure so it’s important to make the most of it as and when you can, as January along with late December is typically much darker than most months.

Taking your dog for a walk or going for a 15-minute stroll with a family member or friend are quick and easy ways to get yourself outside into the sunshine. And if you need a place to visit, try Salomons Estate – our 36-acre gardens are the perfect place to while away the blues of winter and are dog friendly too.

keeping active on a winter dog walk with sunlight beaming through the trees

  1. Stay Active

As the nights draw in and the temperature drops, we can understand why exercising would be the last thing on your mind. But staying active is one of the best ways to beat the blues.

By exercising regularly, you can reduce stress, improve your self-esteem levels, and relieve the depressive tendencies common throughout January. This is because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins – chemicals that give your body a positive feeling of happiness!

Even better? Daily, 10-minute walks are all you need to reap the benefits! Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories, and make your heart healthier.

Tunbridge Wells is packed full of scenic walking routes, some of our favourites include Bewl Water, Dunorlan Park and The Wealdway!


  1. Avoid Unrealistic New Year’s Resolutions

Making overly ambitious new year’s resolutions is a sure way to come face to face with the January blues. Whilst making resolutions to better yourself is a good thing, it’s important to commit to things you can stick to.

With the new year stretched out in front of us, it’s easy to list off unrealistic goals you’ll only beat yourself up about further down the line. Instead, stick to one or two realistic commitments and keep them specific. This way you’re more likely to reach your goals and avoid feelings of guilt and disappointment.

take a break with a nice warm cup of coffee

  1. Take a Break

Whilst Christmas is often thought of as a time for rest, for many, it can cause chaos and stress with so much to prepare and plan for. Child care, gifts, cooking the Christmas dinner and playing host can make this time of year anything but relaxing, and with the dreaded January blues right around the corner, it’s no wonder so many people enter the new year feeling burnt out.

Taking a break in January means you can start the new year feeling re-energised and ready to take on any new challenges thrown your way. Whether you book a few extra days off work for some well-deserved me-time or want to escape reality and treat yourself to a weekend away in a luxury hotel, starting the new year well-rested is essential to your well-being.


  1. Plan something to look forward to

What better way to ward off those January blues than planning something to look forward to? Planning something you enjoy, whether that be an afternoon tea with friends, breakfast with your grandparents or booking an event for later in the year fills our day-to-day lives with a sense of excitement and joy – the perfect recipe for beating the blues.

Even better? It’s been shown that socialising is good for your mental health – another excuse to start filling your diary with things to do with those you love most.