National Business Women’s Week – Christie Timmins

Christie Timmins standing outside on the Salomons Estate balcony

1.) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your typical day.

My days are normally structured around any wedding show rounds or appointments. Meeting clients at each of Markerstudy Leisure’s venues, which include Salomons Estate, Bewl Water and One Warwick Park Hotel, keep my days varied and never the same as the last. As a person, I would describe myself as personable and sociable as I enjoy meeting new people.

2.) How did you get where you are today, and who/what helped you along the way?

Lots of extra hours, dedication is key! Being surrounded by a great team and enjoying my job has definitely helped in terms of progression and striving for the next steps in my career.

3.) How do you achieve work-life balance?

I would recommend planning in advance to make sure you have time for both work and play! I always have a to do list so I can prioritise in both environments and give it my all whether it’s during work time or my personal life.

4.) What is your motivation to stay focused and do well?

In a very results and figures driven role, as a team we remain positive and proactive to make sure we stay motivated and focused. Sitting within a great team that all want to do well and encourage me to do the same, is great motivation.

5.) As a Commercial Sales Manager, what’s one of the biggest advances in your sector over the past five years?

Having specialised in weddings for the last five years, it’s great that as well as offering a traditional option, we are now able to offer something a little bit outside of the box – which is definitely a noticeable advancement over the years, couples want their wedding to stand out much more than before.

6.) Describe a major business challenge you had and how you resolved it.

Tailoring customer’s requirements can sometimes be tricky if a new bride and groom have something specific in mind that perhaps, hasn’t been done before. When this happens it’s key to use all the resources around you and pull together as a team to make the customer’s wishes become a reality. And of course, when this is successfully executed it makes a significant difference to their big day and is a great feeling of accomplishment.

7.) What’s an accomplishment that you are proudest of?

Travelling the world before I knuckled down to focus on a career – good life experience that I wouldn’t have gained without doing it!

8.) What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?

Believe in yourself and be confident and optimistic. If you know in yourself that you are capable of tackling challenges presented to you, you will succeed.